a picture of something that has made a big impact on my life recently...

well not really BP. actually the COST of BP that has made me aware of how MONEY has a big impact on my life...actually EVERYONE'S life. having to pay for a portion of my gas for Jill (my car) has made me wary of the value of money, and how immensely blessed i am by it as well. Gas is one of the 'necessities' of life that people 'can't go without'. Gas is what makes the world go 'round in a way. our whole industry in the USA is two things: Gas & Food. anyways first a sad story about BP and then a happy one.
about 2 years ago we went into a McDonalds. My dad was getting something out of the car so the rest of us went in. It took my dad about 5 minutes to come into the McDonalds after us and after he came in we asked why he was so late coming in from the car. He sadly told us that a lady had come and asked for $5, because she had no money for gas. My dad was skeptical of this lady, but gave it to her anyways. He then watched her go get back into her car. She didn't drive away though, or fill up. She placed her hands on her head, as if dreading something. My dad looked harder in the car and saw children in the back. He realized she was dreading having to get out and ask yet another person and probably a few more for gas money. He went over to the car and gave her his credit car and told her to fill up her car. the lady was so grateful and only filled up half a tank because she wanted to show that she wasn't taking advantage of him.
i think this is a powerful story, because you can see the power of money. it can make one sad, hurt, embarressed, distressed, worried, thankful, or happy. it personally teaches me to count my blessings, because i have never yet had to beg for money from strangers, but there are millions of people that do it every day.
happy story:
well if you are frequent BP goer, you would know that there BP Thank You Days promotion has just ended. I got $30 worth of free gas from BP. Every 8 gallons of gas you fill up you go in and recieve a card, then enter the special code online, and once you aquire 5 cards you get a $10 BP Gift card. Yes, i did this for 3 months. so yeah, you can see i know only go exclusivley at BP. hahahahh
Anyways the point is, BP has made me aware of the many blessing of life that God has given me, including that of money. He makes me think of others and how this terrible yet wonderful gift of cash impacts so many people today.
Allie xx
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