Happy Daisy

Friday, November 30, 2012

30DayofThanks: Day 30

Day 30: So thankful that my list of thankfulness could go on for days and days, because God has blessed me with so much!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

30DayofThanks: Day 29

Day 29: Thankful for Target sale shirts and for new gloves! I have so enjoyed keeping my hands warm and ripping off tags of cute new tops for the past for days :)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

30DayofThanks: 27 & 28

AH! I'm falling behind! I need to finish strong here!!!

Day 27: Tonight I watched the movie Red Dawn. Though not really based on the US Military, it made me think of the thousands of men and women that serve our country. I am SO thankful for them. Their loyalty and courage has made us the most wonderful country in the world.

Day 28: I am thankful for cuddles. With my boyfriend, with my little sister, and with my dog :)

Day 28 part 2: I am thankful for new friendships. Went on a double date tonight to meet one of my best friend's boyfriend. We all had a great time, and I'm glad to have finally met him!

Monday, November 26, 2012

30DayofThanks: Days 25 & 26

Day 25: Soooo thankful for clean bedrooms... they say you don't appreciate what you've got until it's gone. Haha :)

Day 26: Thankful for my morning walks with my mom. Not only is it great daily exercise, but it's also good quality time with my mom. So happy to be able to spend an extra semester at home with her!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

30DayofThanks: Day 24

Day 24: I am especially thankful today because my little sister JULIA was born 14 years ago! She is so talented, smart, independent, and strong willed! So thankful she is my sister.
Also thankful for the family I babysit for! I have babysat them for four years, and are like a second family to me. So my wisdom and support from the parents, and I love this kids as if they were my own!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Thursday, November 22, 2012

30DayofThanks: Days 21 &22

Day 21: I am thankful for McDonalds... even though the employees messed up and made too much food, we got FREE food. And I gave a guy a free shake.

Day 22: I am thankful this gorgeous weather we are having right now! It is amazing, I wish I could be outside all day long!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

30DayofThanks: Days 19 & 20

Day 19: I am so thankful for Olive Garden! :D

Day 20: I am thankful for the fall weather! I never knew how much I liked autumn until I was deprived of it! Everything looks so beautiful, the trees, the colors, and the food! Dreading winter coming though :(

Sunday, November 18, 2012

30DayofThanks: Day 18

Day 18: Today happens to also be the day I'm returning to the USA. It's a sad day, but also a happy one! I know I will miss Costa Rica, but also I know that I will return! I will be so happy to be back with my family, friends and boyfriend!
I am thankful for this opportunity I have had to be here. All the blessings and lessons I have learned could have never been placed in my life without my time in Costa Rica. My Tica family, my Montanta and my Texas friends, the food, and the people all will have a small (or big) impact on my life. Pura Vida!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

30DayofThanks: Day 17

Day 17: I am thankful for days full of shopping, especially those where my Mama Tica spoils me with jewelry and clothes!

Friday, November 16, 2012

30DayofThanks: Day 16

Day 16: I am thankful for coffee. It is a great friend to morning people, and those who WISH they were morning people. Hence, the reason I'm bringing five bags of Costa Rican coffee back in my suitcase.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

30DayofThanks: Day 15

Half way through my thirty days of thankfulness!

Day 15: Thank God for Netflix.... it has been my best friend the last month! Sad, I know, but true. It cuddled me in my bed, was my friend when I had none,... we always have a good time together! :)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

30DayofThanks: Day 14

Day 14: I am thankful for my Rainbow flip flops. It's the small things, you know? They are so soft and comfy and have been my traveling companion for many months. Cheers to many more years to me and Rainbows!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Say It Before It's Too Late

I found this old post saved to drafts and decided to publish it.... enjoy!

February 25th, 2011
When someone suddenly isn't in your life anymore, due to death, a friendship gone wrong, or someone moving, there is always a million things you wish you would have said. So why not say it? It's because we are fearful of their reaction. We don't know if it's the 'right' time and 'right' place, or even the 'right' words to say. But, 9 out of 10, once we say it, we feel better that we have.
I had a friend move over Christmas break. There were so many things I wanted to tell this person before they left, but I though they might take it the wrong way, or feel weird about it. I thought though 'I doubt this person will be OFFENDED if I tell them how I feel about them, and Allie, if they died in a car wreck tomorrow, you would regret not saying it." So I sent that person a long text telling them how much I would miss them, and also how much I respected this person for who they were and how they were so humble and never poked fun or judged. Their reply made it clear that they was flattered to hear me say those thing, because honestly sometimes people never say what's on their minds.
It's things like that, where you want to say it, but are too scared. Those things need to be said, for the day you will die isn't known, it could be 5 minutes after you read this post. It could be tomorrow. Maybe in 10 years? Maybe you won't die, and will descend into heaven next week? The fact is, I wish I could always say how I feel. If I always wait for the 'right' time, that time may never come.
You never know the impact of words. Sometimes you lift people up. Sometimes you throw them to the ground. But if you are telling them because you care, somehow it'll work out where those words help them. You don't realize you shape who another person is. Through how you speak to them or praise them. Or you can quickly rip someone off them high-mountian, by saying something mean or hurtful. Use your words carefully, but don't hold back. Say it, because it could be YOUR words that help change a person for the better.

30DayofThanks: Day 13

Day 13: I am thankful for my camera! It captures moments that I would soon forget about, and lets me relive old memories through my scrapbook! My camera has been through a lot, but I still am loyal to it :P

Monday, November 12, 2012

30DayofThanks: Day 12

Day 12: I really 'need' a pedicure. Needless to say, I'm so thankful when I can afford to go and get my feet scrubbed for 45 minutes with new polish! Another great way for me to relax :)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

30DayofThanks: Days 9, 10, & 11

I have been in Panama for the weekend (which is a blessing within itself!) so I have a little bit of catch up to do :)

Day 9: I am so thankful for christmas lights! They make me sooo happy, and as tradition my family and I go and drive around to look at them near the end of December! It's a fun time to make fun of tacky Christmas lights and then to drive by the most exquisite lights where you wonder how the people in the house sleep at night due to the light!

Day 10: I am thankful for the fruit lime!!! I have lately been obsessed with everything lime. Lime chips, lime as salad dressing, limeade, lime, lime, lime!!!

Day 11: I love the beach! It's my perfect way to relax, and I'm thankful to have that outlet every once in a while!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

30DaysofThanks: Day 8

Day 8: I am thankful for the sun! It's the little things, you know?

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

30DayofThanks: Day 7

Day 7: I am thankful for the opportunities I have gotten to experience through traveling! I often take for granted the privilege it is to be able to travel so easily. Whether it means I am able to gain a visa (or not need one at all) because of the country I am from, or the financial means that is needed to travel. I am truly thankful for being able to see the world in a different light in each country I have been able to visit.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

30DayofThanks: Day 6

Day 6: I am thankful for my puppy Macy. She may be just a family pet to outside eyes, but she is a member of the family. She has such personality and spirit to fill an entire room! Not only is she sweet and (mostly) obedient, she is also pretty darn cute! She brings a smile to my face every day :)

Monday, November 5, 2012

30DayofThanks: Day 5

Day 5: I am so thankful to be a citizen of America! No matter the outcome of the election tomorrow, I know that I am so lucky to be part of such an extraordinary nation. Land of the brave and the free!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

30ofThanks: Day 1, 2, 3, & 4

I am starting a wee bit late for the 30 Days of Thankfulness, but late rather than never!

Day 1: I'm so thankful for the family God has blessed me with. I wouldn't ask for another. Through every fight, hardship, through every move and every new school, through all the obstacles life throws our way, we have been through it all coming together stronger in the end.

Day 2: I'm so thankful for all the girlfriends that have been put in my life, all for a specific reason. I think that each one has made me grow and experience different aspects and views of life in their own special ways! All of my girlfriends are very dear to me, and I would do anything for them!

Day 3: I am thankful for my boyfriend, Adam. He has a lot of qualities I am thankful for but with me being away for a long period of time I have to praise him for his patience and endurance. So thankful that he supports me in ALL the goals I have for myself in life.

Day 4: I'm so thankful for my Familia Tica. I can't believe how lucky I am to be with wonderful, Christian family! They treat me as their own daughter and I feel very loved and cared for. Without them,  I know this trip would have been completely different, and I'm sooooo grateful that they have been a key part of my experience in Costa Rica.