Happy Daisy

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Say It Before It's Too Late

I found this old post saved to drafts and decided to publish it.... enjoy!

February 25th, 2011
When someone suddenly isn't in your life anymore, due to death, a friendship gone wrong, or someone moving, there is always a million things you wish you would have said. So why not say it? It's because we are fearful of their reaction. We don't know if it's the 'right' time and 'right' place, or even the 'right' words to say. But, 9 out of 10, once we say it, we feel better that we have.
I had a friend move over Christmas break. There were so many things I wanted to tell this person before they left, but I though they might take it the wrong way, or feel weird about it. I thought though 'I doubt this person will be OFFENDED if I tell them how I feel about them, and Allie, if they died in a car wreck tomorrow, you would regret not saying it." So I sent that person a long text telling them how much I would miss them, and also how much I respected this person for who they were and how they were so humble and never poked fun or judged. Their reply made it clear that they was flattered to hear me say those thing, because honestly sometimes people never say what's on their minds.
It's things like that, where you want to say it, but are too scared. Those things need to be said, for the day you will die isn't known, it could be 5 minutes after you read this post. It could be tomorrow. Maybe in 10 years? Maybe you won't die, and will descend into heaven next week? The fact is, I wish I could always say how I feel. If I always wait for the 'right' time, that time may never come.
You never know the impact of words. Sometimes you lift people up. Sometimes you throw them to the ground. But if you are telling them because you care, somehow it'll work out where those words help them. You don't realize you shape who another person is. Through how you speak to them or praise them. Or you can quickly rip someone off them high-mountian, by saying something mean or hurtful. Use your words carefully, but don't hold back. Say it, because it could be YOUR words that help change a person for the better.

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