Happy Daisy

Monday, February 21, 2011

This Land is My Land, This Land is Your Land...

raise your hand if you like to travel? ME!!!! me me me!!!! i absolutely love to see new places. and with every new place comes great new food and hopefully some awesome new people. but i'll have a whole post about FOOD later... mhhh
Traveling is only known by experience. it's not something you can read about. it's not pictures you can look at. its not something you can hear about from another person. you must GO and VISIT somewhere in order to have the correct definition of 'travel'.
Traveling seems to mean, to some people, going out of the country. But to me, you could travel up the street. to a close city. to a neighboring state. sometimes if you're lucky you WILL go out of the country! But every destination has is own unique things to offer.
For me, traveling is an adventure. The antisipation of arriving, the things you do when you get there, the sleeping in strange bed, and being with whom ever you are traveling with. Going on trips with people can make you form a 'closeness.' Have you ever been on a church retreat or school trip or camp? and you formed relationships over the course of a few days that you had NEVER experienced in your former relations with this person. it's because when you experience something new together, you have a cool connection.
Traveling and seeing how other people live is one of the fascinating things about going to another country or city. Things in New York City will be much different than life in the Utah. There are subways, different food, different people, different fashion and different looks on life that you may not see in your own town.
So i encourage you to travel when EVER you can. because sometimes that opportunity to travel passes, and you will look back and regret not taking the chance to see something fabulous. Life's too short to MAKE regrets.
Allie xx

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